Diptyque desires to take you on a journey to places you've never been via its latest candle collection. Les Mondes de Diptyque (aka The Worlds of Diptyque) collection has five fragrances, five colors and five dreamy locales.
Choose from Temple des Mousses (Moss Temple), Nymphées Merveilles (Nymphaeum of Wonders), La Vallée du Temps (Valley of Time), La Forêt Rêve (Forest Dreams) or Terres Blondes (Golden Lands). Each candle is housed in a colored glass monolith inspired by the house's signature oval shape. So they not only smell divine, they look beautiful, too.
They cost $285 apiece, but since the candles are refillable, they're eco-friendly and cost-effective. Plus, they're way cheaper than taking a trip to some exotic port of call.
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